a PHP spider and search engine
Each variation of Sphider has a variation in changes made. Updates to the multi-byte edition of Sphider appears by default. You may also view the Lite edition.
SphiderLite Change Log
SphiderLite 2.6.1, release date 6 October 2024 Updated jquery (RAP) Lessened effect of buffering to stdout during indexing (RAP) Fixed code error (RAP) Fixed special case of mis-identified pdf content (RAP) Changed files: admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/messages.php admin/spider.php admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php common_template/header.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 2.6.0, release date 20 December 2023 Code deprecation fixes (RAP) Fix "index decimals" causes pages not to index (RAP) Fix search for decimals - previously rejected (RAP) Fix "Save settings" corrupting the settings (RAP) Add user choice of decimal separator character (RAP) Improve indexing numbers by stripping thousands separator (RAP) Added ability to read xml.gz sitemap files (RAP) Change column name in settings to avoid reserved MySQL word (RAP) Changed files: admin/configset.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php include/commonfuncs.php include/detectmobilebrowser.php include/searchfuncs.php include/searchfuncs.php settings/conf.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 2.5.0, release date 15 October 2023 Added indexing support for docx and odt files (RAP) Robots.txt strings now are case sensitive (RAP) Allow rule now considered when processing robots.txt (RAP) Integrate all common text files into Sphider (RAP) Allow page language to override default common text language (RAP) Added Japanese as a search language (RAP) Corrected commandline spider help instructions (RAP) Fix 'index to' level being empty (RAP) Introduce pause during indexing (RAP) Changed files: admin/admin.php admin/configset.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/messages.php admin/spider.php admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php include/commonfuncs.php settings/conf.php sql/tables.sql New directory: include/common New files: include/common/am_common.txt include/common/ar_common.txt include/common/bg_common.txt include/common/bn_common.txt include/common/ca_common.txt include/common/cs_common.txt include/common/da_common.txt include/common/de_common.txt include/common/el_common.txt include/common/en_common.txt include/common/es_common.txt include/common/et_common.txt include/common/fa_common.txt include/common/fi_common.txt include/common/fr_common.txt include/common/hi_common.txt include/common/hr_common.txt include/common/hu_common.txt include/common/it_common.txt include/common/ja_common.txt include/common/lv_common.txt include/common/nl_common.txt include/common/no_common.txt include/common/pl_common.txt include/common/pt_common.txt include/common/ro_common.txt include/common/ru_common.txt include/common/sk_common.txt include/common/sl_common.txt include/common/sq_common.txt include/common/sr_common.txt include/common/sv_common.txt include/common/sw_common.txt include/common/tr_common.txt include/common/zh-cn_common.txt include/common/zh-tw_common.txt languages/ja-language.php Deleted file: include/common.txt SphiderLite 2.4.0, release date 4 September 2023 Drop mb_string emulations, mb_string now required (RAP) Permanent fix for mt_rand() deprecation without user intervention (RAP) Updated jquery (RAP) Code cleanup to PSR-2 standards (RAP) Cleaned up standard search form when no categories present (RAP) Changed sitemap naming convention to match full version (RAP) Changed files: search.php admin/admin.php admin/auth.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/spider.php admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php common_template/header.php common_template/search_form.php include/categoryfuncs.php include/commonfuncs.php include/searchfuncs.php js_suggest/suggest.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 2.3.1, release date 26 August 2023 Fix the deprecation fix!!! (RAP) Changed files: admin/auth.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/spider.php admin/version_update.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 2.3.0, release date 22 August 2023 Changed default User Agent string (RAP) PHP 8.3 deprecation fix (rand() deprecated) (RAP) Fix broken "Did you mean" (RAP) Changed files: admin/admin.php admin/auth.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/spider.php admin/version_update.php include/commonfuncs.php include/searchfuncs.php sql/tables.sql Sphiderlite 2.2.1, release date 17 July 2022 Refined indexing filters (RAP) More changes due to code deprecation (RAP) Improved character set determination (RAP) Add file size to list of spidering logs (RAP) Add date, filesize to sitemap list (RAP) Changed files: admin/admin.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/spider.php admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php include/commonfuncs.php include/stem_class.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 2.2.0, release date 1 July 2022 Deprecated code updates (RAP) Fix fatal mysqli sql exception (RAP) Fix potential fatal mysqli error (RAP) Added code for a special hack, if needed (RAP) Fix issue with some unicode characters not indexing (RAP) Fix issue with phrase searching (RAP) Fix issue with description length (RAP) Force pdf-to-text output to be UTF-8 (RAP) Protect database by truncating insanely long urls (RAP) Changed files: search.php admin/admin.php admin/db_backup.php admin/db_main.php admin/install.php admin/spider.php admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php common_template/search_form.php common_template/search_results.php include/categoryfuncs.php include/commonfuncs.php include/searchfuncs.php js_suggest/suggest.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 2.1.0, release date 18 April 2022 Removed interrupted re-index completion code (RAP) Improved sitemap indexing capabilities (RAP) Removed section of dead code (RAP) Changed files: admin/admin.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/spider.php admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php sql/tables.sql Sphiderlite 2.0.2, release date 27 February 2022 Updated jquery (RAP) Fixed bug in search form due to PHP 8 (RAP) Changed files: admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/version_update.php common_template/header.php common_template/search_form.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 2.0.1, release date 28 July 2021 Minor spelling fix (RAP) Cosmetic changes (RAP) Path correction (RAP) Update several functions (RAP) Added Russian stemming (RAP) Changed files: admin/admin.php admin/db_backup.php admin/configset.php admin/install.php admin/version_update.php include/detectmobilebrowser.php include/stem_class.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 2.0.0, release date 18 January 2021 Added ability for interrupted re-index completion (RAP) Prevent warning on connection reset (RAP) Fixed index all function (RAP) Inmproved backup & restore (RAP) Updated/removed obsolete code (RAP) Corrected and updated language files (RAP) Code cleanup (RAP) Changed files: search.php install.txt admin/admin.php admin/db_backup.php admin/db_main.php admin/install.php admin/spider.php admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php common_template/header.php common_template/search_results.php include/commonfuncs.php include/searchfuncs.php languages/am-language.php languages/ar-language.php languages/bg-language.php languages/cs-language.php languages/fa-language.php languages/hr-language.php languages/lv-language.php languages/pl-language.php languages/ru-language.php languages/sl-language.php languages/sr-language.php languages/zh_cn-language.php languages/zh_tw-language.php sql/tables.sql New files: settings/my.cnf SphiderLite 1.3.2, (Unreleased, merged into 2.0.0) Sphiderlite 1.3.1, release date 31 December 2020 Fixed CRITICAL error when indexing an URL (RAP) Remove illegal characters from crawled text (RAP) Improved determination of character sets (RAP) Improved filtering for indexing keywords (RAP) Improved emoji removal (RAP) Changed files: admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/spider.php admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.3.0, release date 26 December 2020 Found and fixed more PHP warnings (RAP) Fixed Sphider not acknowleging/reporting html codes (RAP) Fixed errors when robots.txt not found (RAP) Fixed bug leading to missing titles (RAP) Changed files: admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/messages.php admin/spider.php admin/sphiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php include/commonfuncs.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.2.3, release date 20 December 2020 Removed unnecessary code (RAP) Found and eliminated many PHP warnings (RAP) Changed files: admin/admin.php admin/configset.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/messages.php admin/version_update.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.2.2, release date 9 December 2020 Fixed, search with no results returned previous search (RAP) Changed files: admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/version_update.php include/searchfuncs.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.2.1, release date 8 December 2020 Found and corrected problem in unicode string function (RAP) Changed files: admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/version_update.php include/commonfuncs.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.2.0, release date 6 December 2020 Split the search function to improve efficiency (RAP) Changed files: search.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/version_update.php common_template/search_results.php include/searchfuncs.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.1.5, release date 30 November 2020 Removed deprecated code to avoid error in PHP 8 (RAP) Removed truncate tables function (RAP) Removed obsolete Optimize tables function (RAP) Fixed parsing issue with robots.txt files (RAP) Changed files: search.php admin/db_backup.php admin/db_main.php admin/install.php admin/spiderfuncs.php admin/version_update.php js_suggest/suggest.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.1.4-MB, release date 7 November 2020 Fix critical error in the truncate tables routine (RAP) Changed files: admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/version_update.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.1.3, release date 30 August 2020 Thank you to doelf_07 who pointed out the need for most of these changes. Correct code to adjust for PHP changes affecting count() (RAP) Fix missing tags in search results (RAP) Add missing variable definitions (RAP) Changed files: admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/version_update.php common_tempplate/search_results.php include/commonfuncs.php include/searchfuncs.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.1.2, release date 15 August 2020 Updated deprecated code in stem_class.php (RAP) Changed files: admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/version_update.php include/stem_class.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.1.1, release date 18 July 2020 jquery updated to 3.5.1 (RAP) Changed files: admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/version_update.php common_template/header.php sql/tables.sql SphiderLite 1.1.0, release date 7 December 2019 Fixed issue with Sphider mangling relative path beginning with "./" (RAP) If the stemmer determines a word is not UTF-8, it converts it instead of throwing an exception (RAP) jquery updated to 3.4.1 (RAP) Added the ability to create a sitemap from the Options screen (RAP) Changed files: admin/admin.php admin/db_backup.php admin/install.php admin/spiderfuncs.php common_template/header.php include/stem_class.php sql/tables.sql New directory/files /admin/sitemaps /admin/version_update.php SphiderLite 1.0.0, release date 7 November 2019 Original release based upon Sphider 3.3.0-MB